The Heart of Mindfulness – 6 Day Silent Retreat
Vipassana (Insight Meditation)
THE HEART OF MINDFULNESS RETREAT is an intensive Vipassana (Insight Meditation) retreat for anyone interested in deepening their practice of presence in a beautiful and supportive setting. It is particularly relevant to those teaching or training in MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) or those who would like to use mindfulness in their work.
Each day will offer a sustained schedule of formal meditation practices (sitting, walking, Qigong & loving kindness), talks and instruction and meetings with the teacher. The emphasis of the week will be to establish continuity of awareness, deepening concentration and insight in a silent environment.
Programme Details:
LOCATION: Lios Dana Lodge overlooking stunning Inch beach on the Dingle Peninsula.
DATES: Friday January 22nd – Wednesday January 27th 2016
START TIME: Friday registration at 4-6pm; 6:00pm Supper, Opening session 7:30 pm
FINISH TIME: Wednesday 27th after lunch
FACILITATOR: Timothy Sweeney
COST: €390 (includes Accommodation, Meals, venue hire and teaching)
ACCOMMODATION: Lios Dana Lodge, basic shared rooms (not all ensuite, max 2 persons / room) and all meals (vegetarian). Very limited single room accommodation is available allocated on a needs basis (additional charge €60 i.e. €450).
During the retreat participants will be invited to practice Karma yoga for one hour daily as part of the retreat schedule. This might involve helping with food preparation, dish-washing, cleaning etc. This practice supports a sense of community living and allows us to keep retreat costs to a minimum.
Timothy Sweeney has been practicing different forms of Mindfulness Meditation for over 35 years with renowned teachers in the USA, Europe and Asia. In 1993 he completed professional training with Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and Dr. Saki Santorelli from UMASS Medical School. He has been teaching MBSR and offering workshops & retreats to health professionals and the public since 2004.
The Heart of Mindfulness – 6-day silent retreat Application
TO BOOK A PLACE: For further information please contact Roisin Ni Maoilearca 087 9160919 or email